Innovation is often the boost from barely surviving to firmly thriving.

Cultivating Creativity
Creativity is key for driving innovation.
⇒ Make time & space for creativity
⇒ Embrace curiosity
⇒ Practice playfulness
⇒ Seek inspiration
⇒ Embrace diversity
⇒ Collaborate & connect
⇒ Experiment & take risks
⇒ Practice mindfulness & reflection
⇒ Learn from failure
⇒ Celebrate success
Driving Innovation
Driving innovation requires a multi-faceted set of strategies & tactics.
⇒ Cultivate creativity
⇒ Promote customer centricity
⇒ Harmonize internal & external forces
⇒ Collaborate across disciplines
⇒ Invest in research & development
⇒ Embrace technology
⇒ Nurture relationships
⇒ Support continuous learning
⇒ Prevent burnout
⇒ Celebrate success
I work with tech leaders to drive innovation.
Pursuing excellence is more productive than obsessing over perfection.